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About Us ...

"It is only those who have knowledge among His servants who fear Allah"
(Qur'an, Faatir : 28)

Who are we?

​An Naadir is a one-stop learning centre offering a range of programmes for young Muslim children between the ages of 2 to 8 years old. The name An Naadir means unique / rare in the Arabic Language. This name was chosen because the learning experiences that we offer will be unique and rare, In Sya Allah.

How are we rare and unique?

We are rare and unique because...


1. we strongly believe that young children's learning should not be limited towards developing only a set of skills. Instead, each learning experience should make them closer to the Creator. Allah mentioned in the Noble Quran, “it is only those who have knowledge among His servants who fear Allah” (Qur'an, Faatir:28). Thus, An Naadir is committed towards providing an integrated curriculum to make every learning experience a meaningful one, In Sya Allah.


2. we love books and most of our programmes are structured with a particular book in mind! A research done by Kleeck, Stahl & Bauer (2003) found that reading to children can have a positive effect on their language, emergent and conventional literacy and attitudes towards reading." Ma Sya Allah! ​​ 


What do we hope to achieve?

With the integration of Islamic beliefs and values into our curriculum, we hope to achieve the vision and mission that we have set forth. In Sya Allah, through this, an individual who is both successful in this world and in the Hereafter will be developed. Amiin.

vision & mission


​Transforming Towards Success​​​​​​

Enhancing Children's Development through an Integrated Curriculum
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